Internationale wetenschappelijke artikelen over wilskracht. (De meeste van deze links zijn in het Engels)
'Willpower' over the life span: decomposing self-regulation.
Behavior therapy versus "will power" in the management of obesity.
Behavioral and neural correlates of increased self-control in the absence of increased willpower.
Beliefs about willpower determine the impact of glucose on self-control.
Decision making, impulse control and loss of willpower to resist drugs: a neurocognitive perspective.
Ego depletion--is it all in your head? implicit theories about willpower affect self-regulation.
Explaining the failures of obesity therapy: willpower attenuation, target miscalculation or metabolic compensation?
How do people adhere to goals when willpower is low? The profits (and pitfalls) of strong habits.
Implicit theories about willpower predict self-regulation and grades in everyday life.
Pathological gambling and the loss of willpower: a neurocognitive perspective.
Self-control relies on glucose as a limited energy source: willpower is more than a metaphor.
The Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Decision-making, Impulse Control, and Loss of Willpower to Resist Drugs
The physiology of willpower: linking blood glucose to self-control.
Theories of Willpower Affect Sustained Learning
Willpower and Brain Networks
Willpower is not synonymous with "executive function".
Willpower Versus "Skillpower:" Examining How Self-Efficacy Works in Treatment for Marijuana Dependence.